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5 Life lessons from the movie Dear Zindagi

Hello! Friends, Last Sunday, I watched a movie called "Dear Zindagi'. Though I am not fond of watching movies. But when my friend suggested this movie, I decided to give it a chance and really it was worth watching and worth sharing too... Here are some great lessons I learned from the movie "Dear Zindagi"  --- 1. Don’t choose the tough path just because you have to: We’re conditioned to believe that to achieve our dreams, we must go through hardships. Unless we go through a difficult struggle, we won’t achieve the ultimate prize. But that’s not always the case. Choose a path that you feel comfortable with, even if it’s the easier one. 2. There’s no such thing as the ‘perfect partner’: We look for a partner who is just ‘perfect’ and we know, that’s just too much pressure. We don’t have these perfect expectations from friends, so why pressurize yourself to find that perfection in a partner? We know we’re not perfect either! 3. Don’t judge yoursel
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